Trump blasts Leti­tia James for urg­ing judge to reject his $175M bond

Trump blasts Letitia James for urging judge to reject his 5M bond

For­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump spoke ahead of his hush mon­ey tri­al in New York on Mon­day, but his remarks cen­tered on a sep­a­rate hear­ing tak­ing place that morn­ing, dur­ing which a judge will exam­ine state Attor­ney Gen­er­al Leti­tia James’s argu­ment that the court should reject a bond Trump paid.
Trump tore into James, an elect­ed Demo­c­rat, for doubt­ing the cred­i­bil­i­ty of the $175 mil­lion bond, which Trump secured through a sub­sidiary of auto indus­try bil­lion­aire Don Han­key.
“The bond­ing com­pa­ny would be good for it because I put up the mon­ey, and I have plen­ty of mon­ey to put up,” Trump said.
Trump’s remarks came just pri­or to the pres­i­dent attend­ing his crim­i­nal tri­al in Man­hat­tan, where attor­neys were poised to deliv­er open­ing state­ments about alle­ga­tions that Trump …