News­Busters Pod­cast: Pre­tend­ing the Trump Pros­e­cu­tors Are Non­par­ti­sans

NewsBusters Podcast: Pretending the Trump Prosecutors Are Nonpartisans

ABC and CBS almost com­plete­ly refuse to iden­ti­fy Trump’s elect­ed Demo­c­rat pros­e­cu­tors — Alvin Bragg, Leti­tia James, and Fani Willis — as Democ­rats, and cer­tain­ly not Democ­rats elect­ed on a promise to get Trump. NBC dab­bles with the D.
For exam­ple, elect­ed Demo­c­rat Alvin Bragg, the Dis­trict Attor­ney of Man­hat­tan, was described as a Demo­c­rat in 16 of 59 evening-news sto­ries on NBC pro­grams. But CBS nev­er did in 48 Bragg sto­ries. On ABC, there were 56 sto­ries, but view­ers only once heard that Bragg was a Demo­c­rat — on Feb­ru­ary 26, 2024, when cor­re­spon­dent Aaron Kater­sky relayed how “a spokesman for Trump… called Bragg ‘anoth­er deranged Demo­c­rat pros­e­cu­tor.’” He’s only described as a Demo­c­rat when they can make it sound like a wild Trump accu­sa­tion.
Elect­ed Demo­c­rat Leti­tia James, the Attor­ney Gen­er­al of New York state, NBC men­tioned her Demo­c­rat-ness in sev­en of 2 …