Col­umn: Anti-Cen­sor­ship Group PEN Amer­i­ca Can­celed by Pro-Hamas Authors

Column: Anti-Censorship Group PEN America Canceled by Pro-Hamas Authors

The left­ist “free expres­sion” group PEN Amer­i­ca col­lid­ed with a brick wall of rad­i­cals who don’t like any­one who express­es a sym­pa­thet­ic view of Israel after the Hamas slaugh­ter of Octo­ber 7. Their lit­er­ary awards cer­e­mo­ny had to be can­celled due to a sub­stan­tial with­draw­al of authors strik­ing a “pro-Pales­tin­ian” pose.
If you dis­agree with that view? You’re “com­plic­it” in geno­cide. Agree with the mob, or you favor mass mur­der. Their view is so obvi­ous­ly cor­rect th …