Israeli Amer­i­can hostage appears in Hamas pro­pa­gan­da video

Israeli American hostage appears in Hamas propaganda video

Hamas released a pro­pa­gan­da video appear­ing to fea­ture an Israeli Amer­i­can hostage who remains held cap­tive by the ter­ror­ist group in Gaza.
Hersh Gold­berg-Polin, 23, was seat­ed in a chair and addressed the cam­era direct­ly in the video. The video shows that his left hand and fore­arm had been ampu­tat­ed. Gold­berg-Polin was kid­napped from the Nova music fes­ti­val on Oct. 7, 2023.
In the video, which was filmed under duress, Gold­berg-Polin crit­i­cizes the Israeli gov­ern­ment and Prime Min­is­ter Ben­jamin Netanyahu, say­ing they should be ashamed. He also iden­ti­fied him­self …