Roseanne Barr jokes Biden assault­ed her while try­ing on shoes in depart­ment store

Roseanne Barr jokes Biden assaulted her while trying on shoes in department store

Come­di­an Roseanne Barr joked in a social media video that Pres­i­dent Joe Biden sex­u­al­ly assault­ed her “26 years ago,” claim­ing that she need­ed to sue the pres­i­dent.
Barr made the claim in a new­ly post­ed video, which was in ref­er­ence to claims made by writer E. Jean Car­roll when she sued for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump, whom she accused of rap­ing her in the 1990s. In her video, Barr was in a depart­ment store when she had “a hor­ri­ble flash­back” that Biden had assault­ed her while she was try­ing on shoes.
“No, I’m not,” Barr said when asked if she was all right. “I need to sue. I need to sue.”

Barr has since stood firm on her joke despite the back­lash she has received over it, claim­ing that she would “nev­er insult a sex­u­al assault vic­tim.” She also spec­i­fied that she was talk­ing about “Car­roll,” imply­ing that she believes Carroll’s claim of being raped by Trump was a lie.

I would nev­er insult a sex­u­al assault vic …