Scott Perry’s House race shift­ed in Democ­rats’ favor after Penn­syl­va­nia pri­maries

Scott Perry’s House race shifted in Democrats’ favor after Pennsylvania primaries

The House seat held by Rep. Scott Per­ry (R‑PA) has shift­ed in Democ­rats’ favor after the Penn­syl­va­nia pri­ma­ry elec­tions on Tues­day, spelling trou­ble for the for­mer Free­dom Cau­cus Chair­man as he seeks reelec­tion in a seat heav­i­ly cov­et­ed by the oppos­ing par­ty. 
After Demo­c­ra­t­ic can­di­date Janelle Stelson’s vic­to­ry on Tues­day, the Uni­ver­si­ty of Vir­ginia Cen­ter of Politics’s Crys­tal Ball Rat­ings shift­ed the race from being rat­ed as Like­ly Repub­li­can to Lean Repub­li­can, mak­ing it slight­ly more favor­able to Democ­rats in Novem­ber. The matchup comes as Demo­c­ra­t­ic groups have increas­ing­ly poured funds into the dis­trict, sig­nal­ing the group con­sid­ers the race a pick­up oppor­tu­ni­ty as they seek to seize the House major­i­ty next year. 
With such a nar­row divide in the House, both Repub­li­cans …