MSNBC Bites Biden From The Left For Fail­ing To Pack The Supreme Court

MSNBC Bites Biden From The Left For Failing To Pack The Supreme Court

On Sat­ur­day’s edi­tion of MSNBC’s The Week­end, hosts and guests alike bemoaned Biden’s fail­ure to seek to pack the Supreme Court.
Their com­ments came in response to oral argu­ments at the Court this past week on the case regard­ing Trump’s claim of pres­i­den­tial immu­ni­ty. The pan­el expressed fears that the Court might expand pres­i­den­tial immu­ni­ty — if not to the extent of the right to assas­si­nate polit­i­cal rivals, as Trump’s lawyer sug­gest­ed could be an immune act. 
Co-host Ali­cia Menen­dez teed up the pack­ing notion, say­ing that in light of what hap­pened in the Court last week, clear­ly some­thing “structural”–packing or court “reform” is nec­es­sary.
Guest Ankush Khadori strong­ly agreed, call­ing Biden’s fail­ure to push for pack­ing a “his­toric polit­i­cal mis­cal­cu­la­tion.”

Co-anchor Symone Sanders Townsend, men­tion­ing that she had worked for Biden, said that he is some­one who believes in “the rule of law.” But Sanders sug­geste …