Jour­nal­ist Kara Swish­er: ‘Anti-Amer­i­can’ To Oppose Young Pro-Hamas Pro­test­ers

<div>Journalist Kara Swisher: 'Anti-American' To Oppose Young Pro-Hamas Protesters</div>

On The Chris Wal­lace Show on CNN on Sat­ur­day morn­ing, left­ist jour­nal­ist Kara Swish­er claimed it was “un-Amer­i­can” not to sup­port young peo­ple protest­ing against Israel and shut­ting down cam­pus­es. She said this after being con­front­ed with pro­test­ers say­ing Zion­ists don’t deserve to live. 
Wal­lace opened the show with Joe Biden’s “very fine peo­ple on both sides” quote about the protests, that “he con­tin­ues to walk a fine line between defend­ing the pro­test­ers and denounc­ing them.” Jon­ah Goldbe …