Pompous Come­di­an Worth $140M Brow­beats Strug­gling Amer­i­cans in Biden’s Econ­o­my: ‘Cheer the F*** Up’

Pompous Comedian Worth 0M Browbeats Struggling Americans in Biden’s Economy: ‘Cheer the F*** Up’

Lib­er­al mil­que­toast HBO come­di­an Bill Maher became the lat­est left­ist media talk­ing head to attempt slap­ping around Amer­i­cans for not being more cheery in the night­mare world of Bide­nomics. 
Dur­ing the March 15 edi­tion of Real Time with Bill Maher, Maher vent­ed about Amer­i­cans’ pan­ning of the Biden econ­o­my. After ask­ing the absurd ques­tion “Why are Biden’s approval rat­ings so low when things are gen­er­al­ly good,” Maher lashed out at ordi­nary Amer­i­cans: “Cheer the f*** up! Stop act­ing like life in …