Katie Porter wish­es she used a ‘dif­fer­ent word’ after call­ing Cal­i­for­nia Sen­ate pri­ma­ry ‘rigged’

Katie Porter wishes she used a ‘different word’ after calling California Senate primary ‘rigged’

Rep. Katie Porter (D‑CA) wish­es she had used a dif­fer­ent word to describe her dis­plea­sure over her pri­ma­ry loss in the Cal­i­for­nia Sen­ate race after declar­ing mul­ti­ple times that it was “rigged.”
Porter came in third place in the jun­gle pri­ma­ry — where the top two can­di­dates, regard­less of par­ty, advance to the gen­er­al elec­tion. Rep. Adam Schiff (D‑CA) fin­ished in first with rough­ly 2.25 mil­lion votes, with Repub­li­can Steve Gar­vey close behind with rough­ly 2.24 mil­lion votes, and Porter in a dis­tant third with rough­ly 1.08 mil­lion votes, accord­ing to the lat­est tal­ly.
In the after­math of her elec­toral loss, she claimed that the race was “rigged,” or “manip­u­lat­ed by dis­hon­est means,” against her. Schiff had worked to ele­vate Gar­vey at the end of the cam­paign in an appar­ent hope to box …