Trump Rages Against NY Civ­il Fraud Judg­ment: ‘I Would Be Forced To Mort­gage Or Sell Great Assets’

Trump Rages Against NY Civil Fraud Judgment: ‘I Would Be Forced To Mortgage Or Sell Great Assets’

For­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump said Tues­day that he could be forced to sell his prop­er­ties to secure bond for the $464 mil­lion civ­il busi­ness fraud judg­ment against him and his com­pa­ny.
In a series of posts on Truth Social, Trump laid into New York Supreme Court Judge Arthur Engoron, call­ing the $464 mil­lion judg­ment a “ridicu­lous deci­sion” and “elec­tion inter­fer­ence.” Trump’s com­ments came a day after the for­mer president’s team sub­mit­ted a fil­ing in the New York Appeals Court, say­ing that despite Trump’s efforts, sure­tors who put up the bail wouldn’t accept real estate as col­lat­er­al, mean­ing the Trump Orga­ni­za­tion must com …