For­mer Com­man­ders own­er Dan Sny­der donates Mary­land estate to char­i­ty

Former Commanders owner Dan Snyder donates Maryland estate to charity

For­mer Wash­ing­ton Com­man­ders own­er Daniel Sny­der has decid­ed to donate his mul­ti­mil­lion-dol­lar man­sion in Mary­land to the Amer­i­can Can­cer Soci­ety after it stalled in the mar­ket.
Sny­der pur­chased the prop­er­ty in 2001 for over $8 mil­lion but has since acquired addi­tion­al land around the prop­er­ty, which adds up to 15 acres with a 30,000-square-foot res­i­dence, per its prop­er­ty record. It over­looks the Potomac Riv­er and was pre­vi­ous­ly owned by the estate of Jor­dan­ian King Hus­sein and Queen Noor.
Snyder’s wife, Tanya Sny­der, is a breast can­cer sur­vivor fol­low­ing her diag­no­sis in 2008. She became an advo­cate of can­cer aware­ness and spear­head­ed the NFL’s “Cru­cial Catch” cam­paign, in which the play­ers were adorned in pink for a series of games. In 2013, the Amer­i­can Ca …