Lisa Murkows­ki leaves open pos­si­bil­i­ty of leav­ing Repub­li­can Par­ty

Lisa Murkowski leaves open possibility of leaving Republican Party

Sen. Lisa Murkows­ki (R‑AK) has vowed not to sup­port for­mer pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump, and now is leav­ing open the pos­si­bil­i­ty of leav­ing the Repub­li­can Par­ty entire­ly.
Murkows­ki was one of sev­en GOP­ers who vot­ed to con­vict Trump at his sec­ond impeach­ment tri­al, but he won’t be get­ting her vote at the bal­lot box this fall.
“I wish that as Repub­li­cans, we had … a nom­i­nee that I could get behind,” Murkows­ki told CNN. “I cer­tain­ly can’t get behind Don­ald Trump.”
She told the out­let she “absolute­ly” would not vote for Trump, and left open the pos­si­bil­i­ty that she could leave the GOP.
“Oh, I think I’m very inde­pen­dent-mind­ed,” she said, adding lat­er, “I just regret that our par­ty is seem­ing­ly becom­ing a par­ty of Don­ald Trump.”
“I am nav­i­gat­ing my way through some very inter­est­ing polit­i­cal times,” Murkows­ki said when pressed by the out­let on whether she would become an inde­pen­dent. “Let’s just leave it at that.”CLICK HERE TO READ MORE FROM THE WASHINGTON EXAMINER
Murkows­ki has been in the Sen­ate since 2002 — she was orig­i­nal­ly appoint­ed by her father, then-gov­er­nor Frank Murkows­ki — and won her lat­est reelec­tion in 2022 after beat­ing a Trump-backed pri­ma­ry chal­lenger. That means she won …