House com­mit­tee launch­es anti­semitism inves­ti­ga­tion into Rut­gers Uni­ver­si­ty

The House Edu­ca­tion and Work­force Com­mit­tee launched an anti­semitism inves­ti­ga­tion into Rut­gers Uni­ver­si­ty on Wednes­day, cit­ing the school’s “fail­ure to pro­tect Jew­ish stu­dents.”
Com­mit­tee Chair­woman Vir­ginia Foxx (R‑NC) sent a let­ter to six mem­bers of Rut­gers senior lead­er­ship detail­ing alleged­ly anti­se­mit­ic inci­dents and request­ing doc­u­ments relat­ed to com­mu­ni­ca­tions, dis­ci­pli­nary action, and pro­ce­dures involv­ing anti­semitism on cam­pus.
Rut­gers is now the fifth school in the coun­try to be the tar­get of the committee’s widen­ing anti­semitism inquiry of uni­ver­si­ties.
“I have grave con­cerns regard­ing the inad­e­qua­cy of Rut­gers’ response to anti­semitism on its cam­pus­es,” Foxx wrote in the let­ter. “Rut­gers stands out for the inten­si­ty and per­va­sive­ness of anti­semitism on its cam­pus­es. Rut­gers senior admin­is­tra­tors, fac­ul­ty, staff, aca­d­e­m­ic depart­ments and cen­ters, and stud …