Maxwell Frost endors­es Trone oppo­nent in Mary­land Sen­ate race

Maxwell Frost endorses Trone opponent in Maryland Senate race

A coun­ty exec­u­tive run­ning for Sen­ate in Mary­land secured the endorse­ment of anoth­er House Demo­c­rat as the race sharply divides the par­ty over who will suc­ceed retir­ing Sen. Ben Cardin (D‑MD).
Rep. Maxwell Frost (D‑FL) endorsed Angela Also­brooks in the Sen­ate race to replace Cardin, who announced in May of last year that he would not seek reelec­tion in 2024. Also­brooks, who is the exec­u­tive for Prince George’s Coun­ty, and Rep. David Trone (D‑MD), who has been in office since 2019, are the lead­ing Demo­c­ra­t­ic can­di­dates in the race.
“I’m sup­port­ing Angela for U.S. Sen­ate because she’s spent her career tru­ly lis­ten­ing to peo­ple and com­ing up with inno­v­a­tive solu­tions to ben­e­fit the com­mu­ni­ty,” Frost said in a state­ment. “The peo­ple clos­est to the prob­lem …