Civ­il War cast argues film is polit­i­cal with­out ‘an ide­o­log­i­cal agen­da’

Civil War cast argues film is political without ‘an ideological agenda’

The cast of the film Civ­il War claimed that this new movie is a polit­i­cal one, but not one adher­ing to a spe­cif­ic agen­da.
Direct­ed by Alex Gar­land, the plot is cen­tered on a Civ­il War tak­ing place with­in the Unit­ed States in the near future, dur­ing which four jour­nal­ists trav­el to Wash­ing­ton, D.C. to inter­view the pres­i­dent. Three of the film’s actors, Kirsten Dun­st, Cailee Spae­ny, and Wag­n­er Moura, appeared on ABC’s The View to dis­cuss the new movie, with Dun­st asked to elab­o­rate on pre­vi­ous com­ments she made call­ing the film “a warn­ing.”
“You know what, I think that’s the wrong wordage because there’s dis­course all over the world, so it real­ly could have been made at any time,” Dun­st said. “The Ukraine/Russian war start­ed when we we …