Trump calls police ‘the great­est peo­ple we have’ in mourn­ing officer’s death

Posted in Trump
Trump calls police ‘the greatest people we have’ in mourning officer’s death

For­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump mourned the death of a New York police offi­cer on Thurs­day while lament­ing the high lev­el of crime the state is deal­ing with, say­ing the recent death and oth­ers like it “should nev­er hap­pen.”
Trump was attend­ing the wake of Jonathan Diller, a 31-year-old offi­cer who was killed dur­ing a traf­fic stop in Queens on Mon­day evening. Speak­ing to the press, Trump expressed frus­tra­tion that Diller’s sus­pect­ed killer, Guy Rivera, had 21 pri­or arrests before Mon­day night, and that attacks on police are hap­pen­ing “all too often.”

For­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump speaks dur­ing a news con­fer­ence after attend­ing the wake of New York City police offi­cer Jonathan Diller, Thurs­day, March 28, 2024, in Mas­s­ape­qua Park, N.Y. Diller was shot and killed Mon­day dur­ing a traf­fic stop, the city’s may­or said. It marked the first slay­ing of an NYPD offi­cer in two years. (AP Photo/Frank Franklin II)

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